Yoga Can Be Good to Detoxify Our Body

Our lifestyle has changed drastically in the last two decades. The current market has many products and things that were unimaginable in the previous century. For instance, we can use multiple topical and edible products that help keep our bodies healthy and fit. However, no matter what we do, our body is exposed to the toxins all day. We are exposed to the toxins of industrially produced foods, the environment, and even the stress that comes with the modern lifestyle.

For instance, the base-acid balance in the body falls, and the body becomes over-acidic, we feel weak, and the skin becomes impure, and unsightly cellulite dimples increase. This is the reason why we need to detoxify our body regularly, and that’s where yoga can be helpful. You might have seen many women wearing fashion naked yoga pants and going for yoga classes to show off on social media. However, yoga can be very beneficial for detoxifying our mind as well as the body.

Twist Yoga Poses for Internal Body Organs

This is a fact that yoga stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. This supports body detoxification. However, there are several yoga positions and exercises that particularly improve the body’s ability to detoxify. For instance, twist poses like the eagle pose (Gardudasana) activate the internal organs like the kidney, intestine, liver, and spleen by wringing them out. And then supply them with fresh and nutrient blood.

Along with such twist yoga poses, rotations and prone positions also help to ease the digestion process. This results in quick digestion so that it doesn’t start to ferment and thus produces significantly fewer waste products.

Breathing Exercises Are Helpful

Our hectic times lead to faster, shallow breathing for many people. Deep breathing is essential for detoxifying the body. Yoga helps here on different levels. Firstly, yoga has an overall relaxing effect. In addition, great value is placed in yoga on harmonious breathing in harmony with the movements, and yoga teachers repeatedly draw the attention of yoga practitioners to the breath, which increases awareness of one’s own breathing and sometimes even improves breathing in everyday life. In addition, breathing exercises are instructed in almost every yoga class, which have a strong detoxifying effect due to the complete emptying of the lungs.

Yoga Reduces Stress

Most people believe that only poor food, alcohol consumption, and less physical exercises are responsible for making the body too acidic. It is often forgotten that stress can also generate toxic in our body. Thus, reducing stress is an important part of any detox regimen. Yoga is ideal for reducing stress. On the one hand, the mindful, focused movement of yoga reduces stress hormones. In addition, the calm breathing in yoga activates the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system), a part of the nervous system that is responsible for relaxation. The meditations in yoga also calm the mind. And the explicit relaxation phases in yoga, for example, the classic final relaxation at the end of each yoga class, then drive away the last bit of stress.